The Hipster: neon hair, underground pop culture enthusiast, has worked in every field imaginable, enjoys casual swearing
Department/Title: Customer Service Manager for NASC
Previous jobs/career: Outside of NASC I have a career as a massage therapist. I have also worked as a cosmetologist, baker, and long haul truck driver.
Favorite thing about working in the industry: I love the laid back and welcoming atmosphere, and there is always something new to learn about
Biggest strength you bring to the company: Probably versatility. Also I tell the best jokes.
Hobbies during your spare time: Playing music, cooking and baking, playing video games, and gardening!!
Favorite binge worthy show: Top Chef
Favorite author or book: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin
Best concert you’ve ever been to: Jimmy Eat World at 20 Monroe Live
If your personality could be embodied in a strain, what strain would you be? Bakers Delight by DNA Genetics
What type of stoner you are? The giggly stoner
Favorite middle-of-the-night munchies: String cheese
Favorite pet (or pets):
I couldn’t choose between my pets so I’m going with my stuffed frog, Pierre. He’s full of flax seed and lavender and you can put him in the microwave!